Search in Blogs of Narayana Rao


Friday, October 31, 2008

This knol is an authoritative article - Certification by Other Authors

In this knol authors can certify knols written by other authors as authoritative and comprehensive articles on the topic. This will help the visitors to have more trust in the knol.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

This knol is an authoritative article - Self Certification by the Author

This knol provides an place for the author to declare the knols that he has written comprehensively as self certified knols. Other authors may pick his knol and then certify it as other author certified knol.

Visitors also can use this knol for choosing comprehensive knols to visit.

Fibonacci Trading - Author Selzer-McKenzie

A knol on Fibonacci trading

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

KNOLSTORMING - Brainstorming in Knol Space


A knol instigates another person to write a new knol. Knols are entities that have come out of people as knowledge capsules. The knoller has to dig into his brain, the internal knowledge bank as well as into his external knowledge bank to create a knolwedge capsule, a knol that he can pass on to others.


Socialization – The Process

Socialization is the process of social interaction through which people acquire personality and learn the way of life of their society. Socialization is a life long process.

Contents of the KNol

Socialization – The Process
Result of Lack of Socialization
Understanding Theories of Learning
The Emergence of Self
Freud’s Theory
Cooley’s Theory
Mead’s Theory
Agencies of Socialization
The Family
The School
The Peer Group
The Mass Media

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Knols came in search 15th October 2008

Knol search with these words -inurl:directory


40,700 from for -inurl:directory. (0.14 seconds)

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Laws of Entrepreneurial Marketing

A knol by Nate Nead,

Law of the Angle: strategy vs. tactics. Massive advertising programs are no substitute for a good angle. Find a tactic. There must be a “reason to believe.”

Law of Pain or Opportunity: Find the pain—found the market capitalize of opportunity.

Law of the Sweet Spot

Law of Specialization

Law of the Neighbor

Law of the Horse

Law of the Spider Webb

Law of Energy

Law of Benefactors

Law of the Puffer Fish

Law of Beta Gold Mine

Law of the Anchor

Law of the Chase

Some more are there.

Visit for explanation of various laws

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Theory Z - Type Z Organizations

William Ouchi proposed the concept of theory Z organizations. The concept was developed in his efforts to understand the best practices of Japanese management which can be used in companies of USA.

Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a business management strategy, originally developed by Motorola, that today enjoys wide-spread application in many sectors of industry.

Six Sigma seeks to identify and remove the causes of defects and errors in manufacturing and business processes. It uses a set of quality management methods, including statistical methods, and creates a special infrastructure of people within the organization ("Black Belts" etc.) who are experts in these methods. Each Six Sigma project carried out within an organization follows a defined sequence of steps and has quantified financial targets (cost reduction or profit increase).

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Student Behavior Evaluation Scale (BES)

Purpose: To contribute to the early identification and service delivery for students with serious emotional disturbance or behavior disorders.

Population: Standardized on a total of 5, 124 behaviorally disordered and regular education students ages 4-19 years old. Students from 29 states, represented all geographic regions of the United States, and closely approximated the 2000 demographic characteristics of the United States.

Time: The BES-3 can be completed in about 20 minutes and includes 76 items easily observed and documented by educational personnel.

Factor Clusters/Subscales: Learning Problems, Interpersonal Difficulties, Inappropriate Behavior, Unhappiness/Depression, and Physical Symptoms/Fears.

Authors: Stephen B. McCarney & Tamara J. Arthaud

Publisher: Hawthorne Educational Services, Inc.


Private Equity - Placement Process

Once the company has decided to seek private equity, the first step will be the preparation of a detailed business plan or private placement memorandum ("PPM") that describes the Company's business and operations, summarizes its business strategy, describes the relevant market, includes financial statements and detailed financial projections.

• The due diligence review is essential to formulating a valuation by potential investors. It involves verifying the assets, liabilities and contractual obligations (including any existing or potential contingent liabilities) and financial condition of the company.

Typically, after a potential investor has performed due diligence and has indicated a serious interest in making an investment, the parties will want to negotiate a term sheet or equivalent letter of intent which sets forth, in detail, the principal terms and conditions on which the investment will be made.
